The Truth.

You as a separate individual don't exist. You have never been your name, body, thoughts, emotions, experiences or dreams. These all exist within you, just like all life.


Who You Are isn't an experience.

Who you are isn't an experience. You are that out of which experiences come.

All experiences are expressions of form, and you are not form. You are formlessness, stillness, out of which form arises. So to see or realize you are oneness has no feeling of bliss or anything like that, because bliss is also form. You don't really see that you are oneness either because "you" drop away only leaving oneness.

So, who you are is beyond experience, beyond time and space, beyond feeling.
You are that which holds the concepts of creation and existence in space. This has always been the truth.

What is Love?

Love is word that is thrown around so frivolously without investigation into it's meaning.

 Most things which are thought, felt, said, heard & seen are often not subject to investigation. Because they aren't investigated, they exist as a substitute reality. Substitute to the one true reality.

 When they are investigated, it becomes seen that it was just a limited form/concept which was attempting to express that which is formless & unlimited.

What Does One Have To Do To Realize One Is Oneness?

See what always has been here.

There's a breathing meditation where you should focus on the pause in between breaths. The pause you see, is a chance to see yourself without the distraction of form in movement.

You are the pause between the breaths. The space between thoughts. You are the emptiness you're constantly trying to fill with experiences, distraction & meaning.

Just stop! Stop right now and see yourself.